For months Xing Xing has been talking about the fact that we were a "three family" about to become a "four family" and tonight we became one!!!! We are very happy!!! Our new Xiao Xiao /An Lin is a beautiful, bright child who has strong ideas about what she wants!
At the "handoff" at 4:30 An Lin gradually accepted our presence until it was time to leave the government office and she realized her caregivers were going away. She broke out into heart wrenching sobs, then quieted on the ride back to the hotel and again gradually became more comfortable. Clearly the orphanage staff had prepared her for us, using the album we sent ahead of time to identify us to her. She could point to our pictures and say Mama, Baba, JieJie.
An Lin enjoys her Jie Jie (big sister) and her big sister Xing Xing also likes playing with her , although she would prefer to have all the attention. Later on that evening An Lin began to initiate games with her new Mama,laughing and playing, culminating in deciding to feed Mama a cookie, a game that Xing Xing joined in on.
An Lin is a lovely child, very tiny. She is more curious and mischievous than we expected from the info we had received and is very clear about expressing her wants.
At sleep time, An Lin became more distressed and once again had a melt down. All, of course, very normal, but our hearts break for her fear and pain of loss. Finally, she calmed down and fell asleep with Mama, who didn't sleep too much!!
Oh, Christine!!!! An Lin is BEAUTIFUL!!! Xing Xing looks like she is going to be a fabulous big sister! Congratulations to you and Chris and Xing Xing on finally bringing your sweet An Lin into your family!
Thank you so much for letting us travel along with you!!!
She is gorgeous, you look so happy and Xing Xing seems the perfect sister. I love the picture of her with her hand on XiaoXiao's head, looking so like she wants to comfort her.
Congratulations Christine! We are so happy for your family to finally have your beautiful An Lin in your arms! Thank you for letting us follow along with your journey.
Christine, Chris & Xing Xing,
We are so excited to see An Lin!! She is such a cutie; I hope we will get to see her this summer. We can't wait to see your family of four!! How does it feel to say my "daughters":o)
Thanks for letting us join along on your journey to Xiao Xiao. (personally, I would have liked to be there again but this is close enough :o) Wishing you a smooth transition on the rest of your journey! Love to Xing Xing, a big sister now (she looks like she is doing great!)
Love, Janet,Nick,Christopher & Nikki
An Lin is adorable and it is so wonderful that she is part of your family. And how lucky she is to have Xing Xing as her sister. You should frame that picture of Xing Xing reading a book. It is beautiful. I am with you in spirit and wish that your love for each other will grow everyday. For each of you, this "four" is a gift. Love Toby
Congratulations! Beautiful to see! We are so happy for you!!! Special hugs!!
oooxxxxxooooo Ann Doug and Kat!
I am from the Philippines and I am so touched that people like you and your husband are so generous with your love for others. May the good Lord continue to shower you with more love as you journey with your adorable children!
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